Nov 25, 2010

The Girl- Cake Should be Included

This is a cake!! ^^

I vote cake becomes more a part of Thanksgiving. True, cake gets its day on your birthday, and occasionally one gets baked for 4th of July or something. But that's all. This pastry is under-loved.
I think cake could bring a lot of deliciousness to a Thanksgiving. Why does pie get all the fall holiday glory? More cake!!

Nov 22, 2010

The Girl- Obsession

I have this "thing" for sweaters. I own a lot of them, I covet cute ones I see on others, I'm a sweater person.

Recently I've become fairly obsessed with nordic prints + open tie front cardigans. And this picture above pops up first in my google image search every time.

I don't do well when I want something and I can't have it fairly immediately. So I'm not doing well coming to grips with whether or not I can actually possess my latest obsession.


The Boy - Vitamins

So my best friend, S, and I were headed out to a house warming party. And by "house warming party" I really mean "an excuse to get shit faced."

Anyway, S had read somewhere that if you take a multi-vitamin before a night of heavy drinking, you're less likely to have a severe hangover the next day. (I cannot confirm nor deny if this worked due to events that are about to unfold.)

So we pull into a gas station to get candy, sodas, and cigarettes. You know, because we're healthy like that. And when I get back into the car, S tells me we should probably take our vitamins now. So she hands me one.

Before I continue, I should warn all of you that the only vitamins I've ever taken in my life have been Flinstone Chewable Vitamins...So no one's allowed to call me an idiot after reading what I'm about to do...

I pop the thing in my mouth and do the only thing that seems natural to me: I chomp down on the vitamin. The second the vitamin splits in two, I wanna die. It was the most awful, chalky, disgusting taste I've ever had the displeasure of having in my mouth. Unfortunately, with one bite, I had already reached the moment of no return and was forced to chew the rest of the vitamin into small bits so that I could swallow it. As it went down, I prayed that the taste would go with it. Unfortunately, it did not. No matter what I put in my mouth, nothing could rid me of the absolute ash cloud that had become my mouth. I whined and screamed and complained the entire way to the house. All the while, S was laughing her ass off at my stupidity.

Moral of the story: when your best friend hands you a strange pill, just swallow it whole and don't ask questions.


Nov 18, 2010

The Girl- Who Did This to the Cheese??

So I live at home with my parents- Dad- R, and Mom-S.
Living with multiple people means we have to share things. Like a refrigerator. (which is a hard work to spell!)
Inside this fridge are communal foods:
- butter
- milk/juice
- .....and CHEESE

I sort of have a "thing" for cheese. I like it quite a lot. I put it on everything. The shredded cheese is kept in a big economy-sized bag (because we save money, duh).
Tonight I was actually looking for ham on this fridge digging occasion and I picked up the bulky cheese bag to move it out of the way. This is what resulted.

SOMEONE who last used the cheese bag didn't seal it- so when I picked it up, the whole thing dumped out!! The bone dropped near the pile explains the divet into the cheese pile- my golden, Chester, came running and plowed into the cheese before I was able to stop him. If he gets the runs it is NOT my fault.

This is a tragedy:

Look at all that delicious cheese in the dustpan!! The only amusing part of this scenario was watching Doolie the Havanese puppy aggressively lick the floor for the next ten minutes.

mmmm cheese floor. *sigh*

The Boy - Nipples

So here I am, hanging out with my best friend, she's the trapeze artist in my circus life, watching shitty television and waiting on our homemade cherry pie to cool and, of course, I said something "rude." Here's the gist of the story:

K: Soo, I made this post on my blog ( about how I'm a trendsetter and that ever since I started my blog, all of my friends started blogs.
Trapeze Artist (TA): But it was my idea first!
K: Yeah and I should probably go back and edit that in but I'm not going to.
TA: Ugh!

AND THEN SHE TRIES TO PINCH MY NIPPLE OFF! Wow. 1) she missed and practically ripped off my entire pec. 2) she left a freaking welt because she pinched so hard!

Who does that? Rude people. TA. Not funny people. Like me.

The Girl

-insert curtsy-
I'm the girl in this relationship, J.

Unlike K, I'm not super gifted with the unique creative analogies, though I wish I could compare my family to something witty :) Maybe there are no adequate comparisons for my people in my life.
My father (R)- the career Air Force man who has made me who I am for better or worse.
My mother (S)- the rock of our family, my role model who means everything to all of us.
My brother (S2)- he's the only sibling I've got... he's going to be a major league baseball player and all that entails for my family I deal with.
Chester & Doolie- the golden and the havanese that are the center of our family's world.

My life right now is at a series of turning points- getting ready to graduate college in exactly one month and dealing with grief from certain things in my life.
But let's look at the bright side :) it's a funny world I live in

The Boy

Hello and welcome to the male part of this crazy marriage!

My name is K. As you will see, I live in a circus tent. My mother, the lion tamer; my father, the clown; my eldest brother, his wife and his son, the side show of freaks; my other at brother, the invisible man; and finally, my last brother, the boy with no voice.

All of these roles will make much more sense later on. Just be aware that I am the sane one. Here I'll recall any and all hilarious stories that I come across living in this circus tent of a city. So grab your popcorn, take a seat, and please: do not throw anything at the performers.