But there have been lots of intimate moments with The Boy. He's always interested in my boobs, or rather getting as much of my boobs exposed to everyone else as possible. He claims to be fascinated by them, because I believe his words were "they're just there and so weird."
I take that as a compliment.
The Boy is a very useful friend:
I feel like myself, The Girl, was born without the part of your body that makes you generate your own heat. The Boy must have received double doses of this gene because He radiates heat like a car dashboard on a summer day :P One of my most favorite things is sneak hug him and shove my hands under his shirt and steal me some warmth. He's got enough to go around!
The Boy's super human warming powers render it useless for him to wear normal T-shirts. It is mandatory that at least a 2 inch minimum of taunt torso is exposed. When I chide him, The Boy replies with a half-hearted tug at his midriff, "I can't help it my torso's ENORMOUS!"
But it's one of his identifying characteristics for me, when I picture Him in my mind, he's always flashing some skin and his spiffy green tattoo.
I love how a lot of the time The Boy pretends to be exasperated with me and my often ridiculous antics. But he always does end up going along with them, whether I make him walk a long way to dinner because I picky-eater-hate everything that is being served close to us, or when I try for the hundredth time to sell Him on the greatness of glitter, The Boy sticks by me. Sometimes He makes me a mix cd where the first song is about Boston and I love love it and then the next thing that plays is a song that starts off with the first line, "bitches ain't shit" and totally throws me off.
Or we road-trip... and I desperately am craving a slushee because I'm a girl and I get to stomp my metaphorical foot and demand things. So I ask The Boy to consult our trusty GPS and find the nearest 7-11. Keep in mind that we are traveling down a long stretch of highway- been driving for about an hour, and have at least 3 hours on the same highway in front of us. The Boy declares: "There's a 7-11 30 minutes away. Do you want to go there?" Me: "Yes! I want a slushee." The Boy: "Ok, exit here coming up."
So I assume these things: That the 7-11 is on the piece of road we've been on and are going to be on for the next several hours.
After like 15 minutes of winding through side roads, farther and farther from the highway we need to be on, I ask "where is this 7-11!?"
The Boy: "30 minutes away! I told you!"
Me: "30 minutes away from the highway?? Why would I want a slushee that takes me 30 minutes away from the highway I need to be on to go home!?"
What ensued was a great debate over who was right and who was wrong. The details are fuzzy to me now, since The Slushee Incident was almost two years ago now. Still. It's one of my vivid memories of my friendship with The Boy. In a humorous way, I got a good lasting story out of it.
If you haven't been able to wrap your minds around me and The Boy, then a picture is supposed to be worth a 1,000 words, right?

This picture perfectly sums up our relationship :) I'm excited for more stories and more memories.
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